Monday, January 30, 2006

What am I doing?

It's 3:12 in the morning and I'm up? Something is not right if I am. Oh well may as well put in a witty comment. Never mind. There maybe a flying culinary accutrament somewhere within range of my head. Almost had a falling out with someone until the issue was resolved. They forgot to read the fine print. Seems alot of people forget to read the fine print. If they did, then there would be less lawsuits for the courts to deal with. Hey! would that mean less Trial Lawyers out in the world? Naw...That's a pipe dream..:P

I see the Massachussetts Dynamic Duo is at it again and wasting plenty of hot air and valuable time. Filebuster. The Democrat's best friend. They feed it, groom it and more than likely sleep with it. What ever happen to good old judging a person based on his or her merits than on their political views? The Dems have been waging war with the Republicans over "Roe v Wade" claiming that Roberts and Alito will overturn it. If they did, then they would correct a big mistake that an activist Supreme Court did back in the 70's legislating from the bench. Abortion. Another word for a woman's right to not use common sense, have unsafe sex, get pregnant and knowing they can purge the fetus regardless that they created a new life. Wonder what would happen if we put every woman on trial for murdering a fetus? Oh well, these are the moder times and we are all so much more sofisticated... Like that will happen...

Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Finer Culinary Arts

Got a good laugh reading my friends steps to greater baking... I myself have refined this recipe of hers to something a little bit more manageable..

Buy a dozen Donuts!!! >:P

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Knights and Days

Rp is going steady right now. At least I think it is. Got a few stick in the muds that don't like change and make alot of noise about it. The usual remark, that they won't play if another person is there. My usual reply is "Don't let the door hit you on the way out." Other players are submitting their Character Descriptions for approval and that is going well. It takes time and patience to get a good thing going again. Some of the old group that are having problems are now opting to bring in a new char and star again. This is a good move for them I hope that will make things easier. 6 more days before I have Mexican Food!!!! and get my website up and running. I need to talk too that FBLF Knight about her working on my site. I hope she has the %$#$ to do it..


Got a laugh after reading a friend's blog. Made me think about the shag rug that's on my head. It's good for show and even good for seasoning my meals as I always seem to get some in my food. Maybe I'll get a good portion cut off and donate it to someome that needs a toupe or a real hairy chest. Vanity I hear is quite the rage right now. Men seem to have a monopoly on the concept from being as hairy as BigFoot..(sorry Sasquach) to the Bruce Willis bald look to cut down on drag when they are being chased by some daughters angry father. Yes men have the upper hand on the women. They can go much faster when they need to, maybe just a little too fast.

Monday, January 23, 2006


I'm guilty of looking through rose colored glasses at things that I had high hopes of making good on a promise. Today I can only see the fog in front of me as now things are no longer as clear as before. Pride right now to me is a very nasty word. On one hand it represents something good and on the other, it's an arrogant attitude. Like saying.. I'm right and everyone else will always be wrong. We are all adults and for a good portion of our time, we all act like children...whining, complaining, whimpering. It never ends.. there are more children in the world than there are adults. When is everyone going to open their eyes, say it's time to move on, forget the past and make good what we have right now? Bitterness, grudges, you name's everywhere. Heck I can't even go a day without looking for a kleenex because things are so hopeless, no matter how hard I try to believe in something. I spoke to someone who even after all theses years, harbors an ill grudge for another that I know. Why? It's been years and yet, the attitude is there. Why can't everyone just let it go, shake hands, or hug each other and say "I'm sorry for what I did". God knows I have lived my life appologizing for everything..even when I'm not wrong.

Friday, January 20, 2006


I need to post part 4 of my story to the group. I almost have it done. The channel is starting out on the right path so far. I have found a new partner for my rp in Camelot. At least she is around to interract with and she likes to write stories as well. Now all I need to do is get rid of my current partner who has made it clear over a year ago that she has no time to roleplay medieval, but she will have a temper tantrum knowing that I want to send my char in a different direction. I'm not one that likes the idea of having a ghost for a rp partner, much like my ex friend who seems to prefer that kind of rp. Wonder what that means? My favorite skillet lady gave me an "out of the box" suggestion. Have the one I want to quit with spotted and recognized as a witch and burn her at the stake. Now that is a unique and refreshing point of view. What brings an even bigger smile on my face is that my two closest friends are getting involved with the channel again, roleplay and story writing also. We have also picked up our first new player for the channel. This is the beginning I believe of good things to come. Thanks to a good friend who finally filled in the blank spots for me about the demise of the channel, I can feel good about myself and let it all go finally, not that I have been going at anyone at the other server. I haven't gotten involved with anyone there in over a year. I hope they're happy where they're at. As it is, the only people that matter to me are here helping and that I would never change for all the tea in China. "OK Shroom, there is my shameless compliment for you :P"


For the life of me I can't understand what planet the present Democratic party came from. In a time of war, all they can do is cry, complain, lay guilt on the President and through all this, they have not once come up with a cohesive plan that could give them credibility. Perhaps it's time for the old Mules like Leahy and Kennedy to be put out to pasture. In the Alito confirmation hearings, Kennedy went on the attack over a Princeton Alumni group that Alito was a minor member of. Now we find that he was in fact a member of a similar group at his alma mater who definitely discriminated against women. This man has a serious problem with the truth. Especially when it comes to his sorrid past with Mary Jo Kopeckne. I guess he forgot that he was a married man at the time but liked a little variety. He probably taught Clinton all he knew about indiscression. These old war mules are steadfast, stubborn and unwilling to see when an honorable man comes along. All they can do is try to slander him, and make him out to be an idealog just because he doesn't agree with what they believe in politically. They influenced the younger members of their party and now they have nothing but a group of Kennedy's, Feinsteins, Leahy's and Schummers, single and narrow in mind without a bit of genuine out of the box thinking. Someone better tell them that their glory days have been gone for a long time. I've watched this for over 32 years as a registered Democrat and can only stand there and feel ashamed for the Party. Someone needs to deport that DNC chairman and send him to snuggle up with Osama. That seems to be who the DNC wants as their best buddy. I'm going to register as a Republican, considering that I have been voting for Republican candidates all this time.

Monday, January 09, 2006


I have left my home channel to put my all into beathing life back into another channel that did the same for me years ago. It's going to be a tough haul, but I'm convinced that I can do it and make it popular again. I owe two very special people this effort. One I have come to respect without question. He is truly my best friend and one I can turn to for good advice. Not to mention a great place for mexican food. The other is straight to the point, outspoken, opinionated, lethal with a skillet and I care for her dearly. We all had troubled times just over a year ago when things went wrong. We all had something to do with the demise of this very special channel. Friends against friends, hurtful things said at every turn, betrayals and distrusts ruled the channel. I lost a close friend to this. I miss him. I wish I could have turned back the clock and did things differently. Maybe the split would not have taken place. It happened anyway, and not long later they lost the channel. I was given the chance to take it back and make her great once again. I also knew that in taking her back, I would be ostracised by the very same people that lost the channel. Even the one I thought my friend said to me that he didn't know me or trust me anymore. I came to him to try and fix what went wrong and he refused my offer. Oh well, I can only say that I tried. I have ideas that I would like to try with the channel , but I know I can't do it alone. I look to my two friends who I hope will help me though this tough job. Hey, I've already hit bottom. All I can do now is climb back up. Right?

Getting my feet wet.

A good friend suggested that I try doing a blog. Who am I to turn down a sure thing, and maybe duck a flying skillet or two. Well, I never said I was one of the swiftest people around. So here goes.

Spent the good part of today at a receiver waiting to be unloaded. I will never understand why it would take someone over 6 hours to take one case off a trailer other than they didn't care that they would make me late for my next appointment. Funny how the goverment puts so many restrictions and rules on a driver, yet they won't go the extra step to enforce the shippers and receivers to get their act together. Driving is a thankless job. Probably why I like it so much. I have stopped 156 miles short of my next destination to take a break and check my emails out, get out the firehose and wash myself off and then get driving again. Till next time.