Saturday, November 17, 2007

To PITA or not to PITA

Whoever said that hiding under a rock was an insult had no idea of what was under there. Split level with 3,2 and 2 and central air. Was it any wonder why I have'nt been around lately? Anyway I had the pleasure of peeking out from under it and found a schroom. It was nice to speak with her once again and delve into some pretty nifty philosophical metafores. Full bodied and less filling never looked so good eh schroom? Well the doctor set me up for yet another zipper job in December. This time a gall bladder....I can't wait to see it removed, get a picture of it embossed on a T shirt with the phrase "Call Me Stoney" over the picture. :P

Wow The Red Sox won again. I was wondering why everyone looked at me funny during one of the games. Could have been the Minnesota Vikings Jersey I had on, holding a hockey stick and yelling "Where's the Ice!!??" All in all, they did a good job and they deserved it.

I think I'm going to vote for Pat Paulsen for President. I cannot understand when is the Democratic Party going to put in a viable candidate. None of who they have has what it takes to get my vote. You put all of their ideas together and they still don't have a platform to stand on. Well if you can accept "We are loosing the War!!" as a good excuse. The Dem Nat'l Commitee could learn a thing or two from Charles Barkley. His platform was pretty simple and easy to understand. "LET'S EAT!!!"

I think it's about time I put in another ad for the Duck and Run Store. Turkey day is just around the corner and I know a few people of the female persuassion that have no idea how to Stuff a Turkey :P Dad always did the stuffing at our house when he was alive. Always wondered why he had a smile on his face when he did it. In my next post I will conduct a class ladies on how to do it without getting slapped...It's all in the hands...:P

Taking notes Schroom?


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