Monday, February 26, 2007


Hooboy!! and I thought I was one fry short of a Happy Meal.

As I am attempting to build another RP channel along with the one I have, I needed to go to a bookstore to find information for what I need. Went to a Barnes and Noble and a B`Dalton. To the first one I go where I was greeted by a rather unusual clerk who looked like he put his hair piece on in reverse. I never seen a part like that before on a head of hair. Well it did come close to looking like a horses $^%$%^$^%. The hard part was trying to keep a straight face listening to him talk. He reminded me of Froggy from the Our Gang series. After about 15 minutes of thoughtful but hillarious conversation. They didn't have what I needed. Onto the other where I was met by a clerk that had all the makings of being a binding short of a comic book. Where do they find these people? LOL Needless to say, they too didn't have what I searched for. So when all else fails, I went to the old reliable. A comic book store. Hey at least the clerk was knowledgeable in what I was seeking. After being in there for 2 hours, I came out with a box full of stuff, completely content in the knowledge that if you want laughs, go to a bookstore for entertainment and go to a comicbook store to expand your horizons.

I dare not tell you the kind of people one can run into in a restroom....:P

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Snug Fit !!!

Self Explanatory

A Hairy Ride

What a novel idea. And the almighty said, "Let there be man!" and it was good...
Well that was the idea. One problem, the dude was bald.. Poor boy's thoughts just kept sliding off his head with nothing to hang onto. No wonder the woman was able to hang an apple in front of him and say.."Here chew on this.." Lemme tell you everything went downhill in the garden after that. Now, if he gave that dude some hair and left the woman bald things may have been way different. The garden would have been quite a hairy ride from that point on.

It has been the quintessential search by present day man to find that elussive hair piece. Everything from joining Rug Clubs to using cat hair and super glue. But no matter how hard we try, we still find it sliding off our heads and hanging on by our chins. Makes you wonder if man's head was put on upside down. Look at where it is always growing!!! Things can be tough for hairless man in a womans world, and when it comes to hair, women have cornered the market on it. Big hair, short hair, curly hair, straight hair, schroom hair (j/k).

And you think that women would be happy to have hair!??? Not on your Telly Savalas life!! They are always trying to change it to suit their moods. Blue, Red, Purple, Plaid? Cut it, curl it, "shave it?" press it, braid it. Who can say what is in a woman's mind. Another subject to delve into later with a pint of JD no.7.

Some women like a bald headed man with a hairy body. Nothing like being hugged by a live rug. Bald can be sexy. Some women may like running their fingers through some skin... >:P.

I leave you all with this last fractured piece of intellectual thought.

Would men like a bald headed woman with a hairy body?...

Talk about a Hair raising experience.